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Balance365 Life Radio

Aug 7, 2024

Episode Overview

If you’ve ever asked someone what they’ve eaten to lose weight, or tried copying someone else’s diet in hopes that it would help you reach your own goals, we’ve got some hard-hitting advice for you today. In this podcast episode, Annie opens up about her weight loss strategy and explains why asking her what she ate is the wrong question! Instead, she shares HOW she ate and how these habits led to a 60-pound weight loss. It’s these kinds of actions that can actually help you reach your goals, too–so come listen!

Don’t miss joining Balance365 in just a few weeks! Inside our program, you'll learn how to stop dieting, create a peaceful relationship with food, and still get the results you want. Doors open soon–August 19th! Get on the waitlist now!

Key Points

  • Why Annie focuses more on how she eats as opposed to what she eats
  • Her tricks to help her cut caloric intake while still feeling satisfied and full
  • How she learned the importance of practicing consistency on the weekends
  • Why small changes can make the biggest difference

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Download a copy of this episode’s transcript here.